Our Service

Our main activity is to design and survey to build a society comfortable to everyone by the mothods of Architectural Anthropology.

Design and Consulting based on the Architectural Anthropology

We design houses by utilizing the tradition of Japanese culture. We do planning, design and construction management seamlessly. We use the research and knowledge of anthropologists to return the tradition of Japanese culture to you homes.

Survey based on the Architectural Anthropology

We survey any kinds of things related to houses and people. (ex. house design, way of use, materials, construction system, personal history, kinship system, way of thinking, etc.)

What is the Architectural Anthropology
“Architectural anthropology attempts to realize the possibility of cross-cultural understanding within the context of sustained practices based on the cyclical process of “reading, presenting, and making” architecture in the broad sense through collaboration between the anthropologist and others.”

Publisher: Shumpu Publishing (2017)
Sale: http://amzn.asia/dKTfsoQ


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